
Showing posts from December 20, 2023

Readiness 101: The Preparedness Bookshelf Edition

     In a world where smartphones and tablets rule, the idea of reaching for a good ol' physical book might seem as ancient as dial-up internet. But hold on to your bookmarks because, when the digital curtain falls, those paper-and-ink buddies become your unlikely sidekicks in an emergency. Here are a few physical books that we keep on hand.     One of the first books we turn to is The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide for When help is NOT on the way . You can follow this link to see current pricing and learn more about my book choice: Picture this: the internet is down, and you're facing a sudden health concern. Instead of frantically searching for solutions online, ' The Survival Medicine Handbook ' provides offline access to essential medical knowledge. It becomes your go-to guide for common ailments, injuries, and how to deal with them when you're off the grid. I'm really digging the visual appeal of this book! The bes

Surviving Life: One Can of Beans at a Time

       So, confession time: I've never been the poster child for planning. I'm more of a "let's wing it and see what happens" kind of gal. Witnessing tragic events unfold around the world always stirred a sense of empathy in me, prompting a search for ways to lend a helping hand. But in my little bubble, I somehow believed that disaster wouldn't dare strike my neck of the woods.      Enter my superhero spouse, the unsung champion of preparedness. Bless his heart! I've mastered the art of eye rolls and skepticism, wondering why we need more gadgets than a sci-fi movie set and enough canned food to feed a small army of hangry squirrels.     Fast forward to our current gingerbread-looking abode—a forested area with a history of wildfires. Signs warning of fire levels are practically the town's version of streetlights—except I've been cruising through life as if it's all ancient history.     And then, reality hit hard one early afternoon when a f